
CNB project was launched worldwide , the new generation of digital currency public chain project, run like a dark horse

On April 1, 2019, CNB global wealth group and ICB technology group co., ltd. jointly created a landing public chain -- IF industrial and financial chain. This chain is the first trading platform and e-commerce platform dual-chain parallel, three-coin dual-acceleration model, not only integrated the advantages of all projects in the current market, but also solve the problem that other projects can





La marque de cosmétiques colle parfaitement à la peau, en mode tricolore

PARISYinrrytung, une marque de cosmétiques populaire née à Paris, choisit le "make up in French style" comme concept de marque. Intégrant les meilleures technologies de recherche et de développement et les tendances les plus avant-gardistes de la mode, Yinrrytung s'est positionné en pionnier en matière de mode des couleurs. La marque se consacre à la combinaison maquillage et soins de la peau, en





CYCJET Pharmacy traceability inkjet printing system

Abstract: Medicine is related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and life and health must be regulated by the most stringent standards. Therefore, it is also reasonable for the enterprise to be the main responsible party to be required to establish a drug information traceability system to ensure product safety. The traceability of medical products is essentially a collection of “one


韩国FAU的闪亮南瓜SHINY PUMKIN在欧洲市场获热烈反响

医疗SPA化妆品品牌韩国FAU(董事长 崔美华)亮相于世界最大化妆品博览会“2019意大利博洛尼亚国际美容展(2019 Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna)”,展示以南瓜为素材的韩国闪亮南瓜(SHINY PUMKIN)系列产品,获得极大瞩目。 3月14日至17日在意大利博洛尼亚举行的意大利博洛尼亚国际美容展(Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna)是集美容产业所有领域为一体的世界顶级贸易博览会。


The tour of Chinese sanitary ware brand attracting global cooperation

Abstract: IMEX is a famous sanitary ware brand in China. IMEX is now inviting more partners to join hands together to offer brilliant service and products to Europe. Tangshang China.With 25 years of experience as a manufacturer, IMEX always focus on the sanitary ware industry and with precise and professional working spirit turn itself to be trusted “craftsman.”



新闻,是指报纸、电台、电视台经常使用的记录社会、传播信息、反映时代的一种文体。它的种类很多,这里只介绍使用频率最高的消息和通讯。 消息,也叫新闻。新闻这一概念有狭义和广义之分。狭义的单指消息;广义的指消息、通讯、报告文学、特写、评论等等。消息是用概括的叙述方式,比较简明扼要的文字,迅速及时地报道国内外新近发生的、有价值的、群众最关心的事实。

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